Early Childhood Development And Fine Motor Skill Building: At-Home Activities

Education & Development Blog

Building fine motor skills is a key part of early childhood development. The small muscles of the fingers and the hands may not seem impressively important, but without them you couldn't write, get dressed, eat or do plenty of the everyday activities you may take for granted. Early childhood education programs aren't the only places where children can build these emerging skills. You can take the learning home with a few simple fine motor activities.

10 May 2017

Why Taking CAD Classes Can Help Teach Your Children About Geometry

Education & Development Blog

Parents who are interested in taking a hands-on approach to their children's education should consider taking CAD classes. Why? These useful classes help train them to understand these powerful design tools. It also helps give them an insight into how they can be used to help teach children difficult geometric concepts. CAD Expands Beyond Manual Drawing While many children love drawing and will likely create fun geometric shapes with pencils and paper, CAD helps expand beyond this simple method.

26 April 2017

Tips For Dealing With Motion Sickness While Training To Be A Pilot

Education & Development Blog

If you are in training to be a pilot, there's a good chance that you might experience motion sickness at some time or another. Eventually, this motion sickness will pass as your body gets used to being up in the air and viewing it from there, but in the meantime, it's miserable. You will want to figure out the best ways to control it so that you can complete your assignments successfully and get your license.

21 April 2017

Fetal Stems And Your Cerebellum's Proper Functioning Amygdala Structure Successfully Treat Autism

Education & Development Blog

Researches studying the often-asked question of why some children develop autism have found that an impressive percentage of mothers with autism children had antibodies that possibly attacked their kids' fetal brain during development. That information is all the more reason for scientists to find new treatments for this troubling disease. Surprisingly when the antibodies were given to pregnant rhesus monkeys during a test, the monkeys' offspring developed similar behaviors that are consistent with autism.

19 April 2017

3 Reasons To Use Online Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling

Education & Development Blog

The parent-teacher conference. It's a staple of the school years. It helps the parent better understand what and how their child is doing, and helps the teacher to communicate important information about the student. Even though these conferences are essential, they aren't always easy to set up. Online parent teacher conference scheduling provides educators and families alike with an easy option that may actually improve the participation rate. Whether you're a brand new teacher or have been instructing for years, understanding how an online scheduling option can work for you is the first step in streamlining the conference process and making your life just that much easier.

18 April 2017

Not A Doctor Or Nurse But Want A Non-Clerical Job In A Hospital? Here Are 3 Options

Education & Development Blog

If you are interested in working in a hospital, but you are not a nurse or a doctor, you might think your options are limited to clerical, administrative, or security positions. That's not entirely true. There are loads of jobs that are available that involve working with patients and not simply working behind the scenes doing paperwork, security, or something else. So if you want to work in a hospital in a "

21 October 2016

Meeting The Challenges Of Learning Differences In Adults

Education & Development Blog

When instructing adults, you must deal with what seems like an infinite number of ways in which people learn. If you understand the sensory preferences of adults, you've narrowed down your teaching approaches to three primary ways of communicating. Here is how to discover these sensory preferences in adults and adjust your teaching style to be more effective for all of them. How People Experience the World People develop a preference for one or more of the senses in which they choose to experience the world.

29 July 2016